A learning opportunity is good. Positive. Desirable. A mistake is bad: a reminder that you're a big fat failure, a screw-up, a nobody. Yesterday I was presented with a learning opportunity, and I'm nice enough to share it with you.
Our cows needed hay. The poor pregnant mama's and the young heifers were slowly walking circles around our snow-covered pasture all morning, trying to find a bit of grass to eat. They weren't starving, by any means, since Mom had thrown them a few small squares of good, green hay in the morning. But our cows are a lot like me: they're not happy unless they're chompin' and chewin' and chawin' all day long. (Hey, a girl's gotta eat.)
So late in the afternoon, I finally get around to grabbing the tractor so I could haul a few round bales up to the ladies. When I was finished, I was all like "I'm the real deal, man. I just can't get enough of myself. I'm a rockin' farmer, that's me allright."
I mean, I had dropped off the loader bucket and hooked up the bale-spear, I had plowed a path through our newest 6 inches of snow to the hay bales, I had loaded up the hay and driven it up the road without causing an accident, I had gotten the frozen gate open, and I had lifted those hay bales way up high, up and over the fence and dropped them squarely into the bale cages. It was the work of a professional...beautifully executed, if I do say so myself. And so I slept soundly last night, all warm with my feelings of self-congratulation and adoration.
But winter is bitter cold, and so is the feeling that washed over me when Marcel peeked his head inside before leaving for work this morning to say, "Hey, who drove the tractor yesterday?" (Conversations that begin by asking "who did that?" usually never end well.)
"Umm, I did. Why?"
Now Marcel has been stung by his wife's "how dare you accuse me" wrath before, so he's too wise to just come out and accuse me of something. "No. I mean who took the tractor out (meaning out of the shed)?"
"Yeah, I know. I did."
"But didn't Rob use the tractor to plow yesterday?"
Uh-oh. If he's looking to scapegoat Rob in order to escape my reaction, it must be really bad.
"Yes, he did. But I had already taken it out and gotten it ready for him. Why?"
Note to self: never ask why.
"Umm, well someone forgot to unplug the tractor before they drove it and reeked havoc with just about everything. Are you sure someone didn't drive it before you?" (Boy, this Marcel is good.)
And it is about now that that bitter cold feeling I mentioned earlier started to overtake me. "And by everything, you mean what? What did I do?"
Please note how I immediately took responsibility for my actions.
"Well...insert hesitation here...you drove the tractor with the extension cord still connected between it and the electric box (which, if you don't know, keeps the diesel fuel warm in the winter, since diesel fuel can freeze at cold temperatures, unlike gasoline). The electric box was ripped off the wall, the cord is split and ruined, and you bent the h*ll out of the plug on the tractor."
To which I adeptly responded, "Oops." Then I crossed my fingers, hoped to die, and stuck a needle in my eye (not really) as I quietly asked, "Can it be fixed?"
My husband sighed a heavy sigh--like he needs more to do!--and said, "Well, I'll see what I can do." This, when uttered by my superbly-talented mechanically-gifted husband, usually means yes.
Whew! Thank God it will get fixed. And especially thank God we don't make mistakes in Irish Grove. We just create new learning opportunities. And I'm saying 'we' in a very general sense, if you know what I mean.
So, what did I learn? I learned that when you're gonna drive this:

you first have to disconnect this:

or else you're going to ruin this:

And you don't wanna do that.
Glad I could share this learning opportunity with you, everybody. I'm nice like that, no matter what my husband might fear, err think.
P.S. I'm soo glad Farmer Bill is on vacation.
I'm just letting out my held breath wondering if Rob DID do it! Does Rob know this? Does he know about the plug? Does he? I'll tell him!
(A big-*ss tractor needs a plug?!? Doesn't that just seem so..... odd??)
I love this story - wow, can I relate! Thanks so much for sharing your learning opportunity. Now I KNOW I will never, ever, forget to unplug that tractor should I ever drive it, although I might forget to unplug my vacuum cleaner, or my toaster or my overhead projector, with similar effects.
Here's what I learned the other day: it's kind of important to check whether you have securely pushed the rubber stopper back into the erlenmeyer flask containing the oil and water mixture for your Chemistry class demo so that it doesn't pop off and spray the entire front row of 16-year-olds with food coloring-tainted veggie oil when your AP (who dearly is looking for reasons to fire you) happens to be observing your class, fortunately seated in the BACK row (there's so many silver linings to this cloud, I just have to list them - 1) I got the class's attention, 2) I got to show my incredible poise and self confidence and sense of humor in the face of extreme duress, 3) I'm kind of hoping she DOES fire me so I can do something else with my life any way. )
So. If it makes you feel any better, I'm right with you, in the learning opportunity department!
Wendy G.
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